Tuesday, May 31, 2016

1106-21 for PVMTC June-July 2016

Final Submission Date for Portfolio : 16 July 2016

Holistic Report requirements:
- min 3000 words count
- show progression of learnings

Report content scores
- Unit 101: 15%
- Unit 102: 20%
- Unit 103: 25%
- Unit 104: 20%
- Unit 105: 20%
Pass : 60% above

Practical Delivery Assessments 
a. Presentation Delivery (25 mins) +-2 mins
b. Assessment (5 mins)
c. Feedback (3 mins)

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Holistic Report

Holistic Report


Candidate Name : Wengkai Lee
Submission Date: 18 May 2016
Qualifications: 1106-21

In preparation of the upcoming session of 1106-01 for PVMTC, I start to consider the learner needs as well as the City & Guilds requirements for this qualifications.

(Unit 101: Identify Learner Needs):
The learners are mostly have minimum 3 years of teaching experience in their fields. Their experiences are in the teaching engineering and oil sector students age 16 - 20 for 2 or 3 year programs. A few trainers are specializing short safety courses where they are teaching experienced adults. I was keen to know more of their needs for their training. The method I used was by email communications to get their self introductions and what they aimed to achieve. About 80% of them responded with their brief introduction. This was useful to start establish a connection with my future learners in the coming week.
I found that their main needs are
1.     Deliver with more effective techniques to have the students learn better
2.     More confident in delivering programs in English language
I also recognize their lack of practice in delivering in English language and not their common daily language. Their learning styles generally are V, R, K.  In addition, I have also reviewed their CVs before the session commence which gave me a good idea their faculties and specialization.

(Unit 102: Planning)

The program duration will be 2 days in duration. The aim of this program to provide the candidates with the basic skills to deliver training and gain an overview of the 5 elements of Training Cycle.
For the 2 days, the resources needed are ………These are selected because….
In my planning, I also recognize the need for longer lunch break of 2 hours, and therefore I planned the session time to start at 730 am and to end by 7 pm. This plan to start the session earlier than normal as well as later end time than usual is due to my belief that the learners will benefit with more time in this session for their practice, understand the materials and able to experience the various training techniques.
In planning the learning program, I first reviewed the City & Guilds document for 1106 Level 1 to be clear on the objectives, learning outcomes. My main goal is for the learners to meet the requirements, able to be more confident presenter with some new training techniques, and equally important able to pass the assessments. 
The session date planned is 12-13 May, and I plan to arrive on 11 May to check out the venue settings and ensure the flipcharts and projector was in place.
My preparation for the session includes laptop, slides, materials handouts, pro formas from the 1106-01 handbook, and trainer display kit. I have also invited a co-trainer Mr Luui to join me in the session as we have a group size of 20. After inspecting the venue on 11 May, we had our final coordination meeting between myself and co-trainer, and the training coordinator Ms Cam.

Summary of the Learning Plan
Day 1
-       Training Cycle: 5 Elements
-       Training Delivery Practice
-       Session planning

Day 2
-       Refresher for Day 1
-       Practical and Knowledge Assessment
-       Evaluation

(Unit 103 : Training Delivery)

Day 1 started about 30 mins later than schedule as only 50% arrived before 730 am. BY 8 am everyone arrived. As per the session plan, we started with a round of introduction as an ice breaker. I then started my delivery using lecture method to introduce the topics for the 2 days, the assessment requirements, the safety briefing. As I wanted them to have “contract” with the class, I asked from the students what should the ground rules be for this 2 days. I have also added a rule call CLASS – CLAP routine. This is to establish some form of quick control and attention or a mini energizer. This was done to generate more participation. The session was running as per plan for the morning. In order to develop an environment of open discussion, I organized group discussions on the learning needs and gave a thought provoking question, why does trainer still needed in today’s google generation. That got the the class going and the interactions increased even more. After every group’s discussion, one representative will then share their findings. This is done to enable presentation practice for the students.
This is an example of activity I organized to meet my goal, which is for many as possible to stand up to make short presentations during these 2 days. This is to enable them to practice, build more confidence in delivering in English to meet their learning needs.

During the topic of Learner Needs, I wanted them to realize that as learners, they would prefer more interactive methods instead of just lecture method (passive).
To deliver this point, I used a survey method. By using Post It, I asked every member of the class to pick 2 teaching methods they prefer as a student and everyone then post these to the flipchart. Upon analysis of this post-it, the point was made and achieved. That interactive methods are preferred such as Group Discussion. This survey method gave the class opportunity to everyone equal opportunity to participate and have their views seen. I did this to provide them an experience on how to use “props” to get participation and appeal to the R learning style.
I also liked how the students themselves came up with my targeted answer. I then used their points on the flipcharts to proceed with the lesson on training method selection.

I also believe that trainer should be creative and have a fun side and willing to lead the session by doing some “surprise”, so I assigned different energizer sessions to be led by different groups. Gave them an example where I led one first. To be Fair, every group has to lead an energizer during this 2 days.

Before we end for lunch, I then organize a short 10 min reflection session for them to look back their key learnings, what new ideas they got from the session and which one they plan to do or apply in their works. This is done to enable them to analyze their learnings and coach them on applications so that the session’s learnings are implemented in their daily works. I also believe that we need to give them space to reflect regularly as part of different learning experience. Then I invite volunteers to share their findings.

The afternoon session after lunch (long lunch) was more challenging. Therefore its essential to get the session start with some light moments. We started with an energizer which was conducted by learners. This is also part of developing their qualities as trainer. The key take away was when a trainer start a “new” activity, learners will initially show some resistance or even confusion. Therefore the trainer will need to lead by example and ensure the class followed his/her instructions clearly.
As we then move to more practical part of the Day 1 session, we started with completing the required forms for Session Planning. This will be required as evidence on planning which will be assessed on day 2. We ensured the pace and time was sufficient for them to discuss and start to write their session plans. The session’s time was longer than initially planned to enable them to complete the documents. I moved from table to table to coach them on session planning.

We completed Elements 1-3 on day 1. In their practice session, 5 learners came up to present a 5 min presentation in front of class. The purpose of this activity is to bring up the topic of Training Delivery skills. As a practical activity, this allowed the class to see various delivery styles conducted by different candidates. I encouraged the class to give positive feedback to each person. With various feedback from their peers, the session continued to be engaging and maintaining the momentum.
This is to encourage the class to review the observation form, for them to understand the assessment criterias for the program. This is part of the preparation for assessment. I apply the assessment principles of Fair and Transparent.

I then used the session to coach some of the candidates on the improvements they can make to have more professional delivery. Its important to coach them and not leave them only deliver and without getting a feedback.

The delivery method of Demonstration was used by myself to deliver presentation techniques at this part so that the learners understand clearly the importance of voice, room position, eye contact and body language.

At the end of the session, I checked for understanding and evaluate the session by conducting a question and answer session on their Day 1 experience.

As part of preparation for assessment, firstly the learners were explained on what will be assessed, how they will be assessed and when they will be assessed as well as the venue. This is to ensure no surprises and the assessments were administered fairly. The assessment plans were shared and I worked with the learners on the practical assessment schedule for Day 2.

Day 2:

Started with refresher for Day 1. The refresher was done by quick paced questioning method. By posing various questions from Day 1 topics to different class members, this energized the session right from the morning.
I also informed them that the theory assessment would be done after all the practical assessments have been completed. This is done as I need to respect them that there was a plan change and important to keep them informed.

(Unit 104: Assessment)

Before the start of practical assessments, I checked the other room to be used for assessment, whether the equipments are ready (video recorder, projector, seats, flipchart, markers). Both the rooms was ready for assessments. Before the start of assessments, I needed to give the students a briefing on the requirements i.e. completed evidence, timings, sequence and also answer any questions from them. Each of the learner was to complete a 10 min presentation delivery including assessment and feedback.
For knowledge assessment, they had to answer 15 multiple-choice questions within 30 mins.

Methods of assessment:
a.     Observation of Practise : was chosen because I need to see how each of the learner deliver a training presentation.
b.     Product Evidence : on planning
c.     Test : to gauge the knowledge level

Its essential to ensure the assessment decision is made on evidences that are VCARS (Valid, Current, Authentic, Reliable and Sufficient). These are achieved by the following:
·      V - Practical assessments are video recorded for verifications purposes by internal / external.
·      C - The assessment method is Observation of Practice directly by Assessor.
·      A - Check ID match before the assessment
·      A - The room setup for Knowledge Test was individual seating with no notes whatsoever on the table.
·      R - The evidences are recorded in the City & Guild specified forms.
·      S - The amount of evidence required are based on 1106-01 program requirements from City & Guilds.  

Upon completion of the assessments, feedback was given by the Assessor. This is important for them to learn, through feedback and self reflection. I used recognition and praise to highlight what they did well. Also I asked them what can be improved further in their delivery and future action plans. This is aimed to develop their abilities in the future through an open feedback session based on my observation on their practical delivery.

(Unit 105 Evaluation)

At the end of Day 2, every learner filled a program Evaluation Questionnaire. Analysing this after the session, I found that all of them found the session to be Very Good to Excellent. This is an indicator of the session’s successful delivery by the Trainers.

Another indicator is the Knowledge Assessment and Practical Assessment results, where all of them achieved Pass. This results meet the learner needs.

My own self reflection on how did the session go. 

Well done:
·      Able to complete all the required units within the 2 day time frame.
·      They found the techniques of grouping activities and discussion method with Questioning more is useful for them.
·      Able to create a session with various techniques for them to observe and be inspired.

Can be improved in future:
·      For class size of 20 – duration of program is extended to 3 days.
·      For Day 1 – split the class to 2 with an assigned tutor each to coach them for session planning, delivery techniques.
·      Coordination meeting with co-Assessor to agree on decision criteria and grading guidelines.

The learnings from this session which is very useful for me to conduct the next session more successfully for both the learners and myself. I thank the learners for their trust and commitment, to my fellow trainer and to PVMTC and City & Guilds for their fullest support in making this session a success.

End of Holistic Report

Word count: 2159.
Date: 29 May

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sample Holistic Report (for 1106-21 use)

Holistic Report


Candidate Name : Wengkai Lee
Submission Date: 18 May 2016
Qualifications : 1106-21

In preparation of the upcoming session of 1106-01 for PVMTC, I start to consider the learner needs as well as the City & Guilds requirements for this qualifications.

(Identify Learner Needs):
The learners are mostly have minimum 3 years of teaching experience in their fields. Their experiences are in the teaching engineering and oil sector students age 16 - 20 for 2 or 3 year programs. A few trainers are specializing short safety courses where they are teaching experienced adults. I was keen to know more of their needs for their training. The method I used was by email communications to get their self introductions and what they aimed to achieve. About 80% of them responded with their brief introduction. This was useful to start establish a connection with my future learners in the coming week.
I found that their main needs are
1.     Deliver with more effective techniques to have the students learn better
2.     More confident in delivering programs in English language
I also recognize their lack of practice in delivering in English language and not their common daily language. Their learning styles generally are V, R, K.  In addition, I have also reviewed their CVs before the session commence which gave me a good idea their faculties and specialization.


The program duration will be 2 days in duration. The aim of this program to provide the candidates with the basic skills to deliver training and gain an overview of the 5 elements of Training Cycle.
In my planning, I also recognize the need for longer lunch break of 2 hours, and therefore I planned the session time to start at 730 am and to end by 7 pm. This plan to start the session earlier than normal as well as later end time than usual is due to my belief that the learners will benefit with more time in this session for their practice, understand the materials and able to experience the various training techniques.
In planning the learning program, I first reviewed the City & Guilds document for 1106 Level 1 to be clear on the objectives, learning outcomes. My main goal is for the learners to meet the requirements, able to be more confident presenter with some new training techniques, and equally important able to pass the assessments. 
The session date planned is 12-13 May, and I plan to arrive on 11 May to check out the venue settings and ensure the flipcharts and projector was in place.
My preparation for the session includes laptop, slides, materials handouts, pro formas from the 1106-01 handbook, and trainer display kit. I have also invited a co-trainer Mr Luui to join me in the session as we have a group size of 20. After inspecting the venue on 11 May, we had our final coordination meeting between myself and co-trainer, and the training coordinator Ms Cam.

The session plan is attached in Appendix 1.

Day 1
-       Refresher of Training Cycle and Presentation Delivery Warm Up
-       Unit 101 and 102: Identify Learner Needs and Session Planning
-       Prepare for Session on Day 3 (Identify Needs, Planning) and documented in Portfolio and Holistic Report

Day 2
-       Unit 103: Presentation, Coaching and Facilitating Skills for Group Teaching
-       Training Delivery Practice 1
-       Unit 104, 105: Assessment and Evaluation
-       Development of Portfolio and Holistic Report

Day 3
-       Training Delivery Practice 2
-       Practical Assessment 1
-       Review of Portfolio and Holistic Report

(Training Delivery)

Day 1 started about 30 mins later than schedule as only 50% arrived before 730 am. BY 8 am everyone arrived. As per the session plan, we started with a round of introduction as an ice breaker. I then started my delivery using lecture method to introduce the topics for the 2 days, the assessment requirements, the safety briefing. As I wanted them to have “contract” with the class, I asked from the students what should the ground rules be for this 2 days. I have also added a rule call CLASS – CLAP routine. This is to establish some form of quick control and attention or a mini energizer. This was done to generate more participation. The session was running as per plan for the morning. In order to develop an environment of open discussion, I organized group discussions on the learning needs and gave a thought provoking question, why does trainer still needed in today’s google generation. That got the the class going and the interactions increased even more. After every group’s discussion, one representative will then share their findings. This is done to enable presentation practice for the students.
This is an example of activity I organized to meet my goal, which is for many as possible to stand up to make short presentations during these 2 days. This is to enable them to practice, build more confidence in delivering in English to meet their learning needs.

During the topic of Learner Needs, I wanted them to realize that as learners, they would prefer more interactive methods instead of just lecture method (passive).
To deliver this point, I used a survey method. By using Post It, I asked every member of the class to pick 2 teaching methods they prefer as a student and everyone then post these to the flipchart. Upon analysis of this post-it, the point was made and achieved. That interactive methods are preferred such as Group Discussion. This survey method gave the class opportunity to everyone equal opportunity to participate and have their views seen. I did this to provide them an experience on how to use “props” to get participation and appeal to the R learning style.
I also liked how the students themselves came up with my targeted answer. I then used their points on the flipcharts to proceed with the lesson on training method selection.

I also believe that trainer should be creative and have a fun side and willing to lead the session by doing some “surprise”, so I assigned different energizer sessions to be led by different groups. Gave them an example where I led one first. To be Fair, every group has to lead an energizer during this 2 days.

Before we end for lunch, I then organize a short 10 min reflection session for them to look back their key learnings, what new ideas they got from the session and which one they plan to do or apply in their works. This is done to enable them to analyze their learnings and coach them on applications so that the session’s learnings are implemented in their daily works. I also believe that we need to give them space to reflect regularly as part of different learning experience. Then I invite volunteers to share their findings.

The afternoon session after lunch (long lunch) was more challenging. Therefore its essential to get the session start with some light moments. We started with an energizer which was conducted by learners. This is also part of developing their qualities as trainer. The key take away was when a trainer start a “new” activity, learners will initially show some resistance or even confusion. Therefore the trainer will need to lead by example and ensure the class followed his/her instructions clearly.
As we then move to more practical part of the Day 1 session, we started with completing the required forms for Session Planning. This will be required as evidence on planning which will be assessed on day 2. We ensured the pace and time was sufficient for them to discuss and start to write their session plans. The session’s time was longer than initially planned to enable them to complete the documents. I moved from table to table to coach them on session planning.

We completed Elements 1-3 on day 1. In their practice session, 5 learners came up to present a 5 min presentation in front of class. The purpose of this activity is to bring up the topic of Training Delivery skills. As a practical activity, this allowed the class to see various delivery styles conducted by different candidates. I encouraged the class to give positive feedback to each person. With various feedback from their peers, the session continued to be engaging and maintaining the momentum.
This is to encourage the class to review the observation form, for them to understand the assessment criterias for the program. This is part of the preparation for assessment. I apply the assessment principles of Fair and Transparent.

I then used the session to coach some of the candidates on the improvements they can make to have more professional delivery. Its important to coach them and not leave them only deliver and without getting a feedback.

The delivery method of Demonstration was used by myself to deliver presentation techniques at this part so that the learners understand clearly the importance of voice, room position, eye contact and body language.

At the end of the session, I checked for understanding and evaluate the session by conducting a question and answer session on their Day 1 experience.

As part of preparation for assessment, firstly the learners were explained on what will be assessed, how they will be assessed and when they will be assessed as well as the venue. This is to ensure no surprises and the assessments were administered fairly. The assessment plans were shared and I worked with the learners on the practical assessment schedule for Day 2.

Day 2:

Started with refresher for Day 1. The refresher was done by quick paced questioning method. By posing various questions from Day 1 topics to different class members, this energized the session right from the morning.
I also informed them that the theory assessment would be done after all the practical assessments have been completed. This is done as I need to respect them that there was a plan change and important to keep them informed.


Before the start of practical assessments, I checked the other room to be used for assessment, whether the equipments are ready (video recorder, projector, seats, flipchart, markers). Both the rooms was ready for assessments. Before the start of assessments, I needed to give the students a briefing on the requirements i.e. completed evidence, timings, sequence and also answer any questions from them. Each of the learner was to complete a 10 min presentation delivery including assessment and feedback.

For knowledge assessment, they had to answer 15 questions within 30 mins.
Its essential to ensure the assessment decision is made on evidences that are VCARS (Valid, Current, Authentic, Reliable and Sufficient). These are achieved by the following:
·      Check ID match before the assessment.
·      Practical assessments are video recorded for verifications purposes by internal / external.
·      The amount of evidence required are based on 1106-01 program requirements from City & Guilds.
·      The evidences are recorded in the City & Guild specified forms.
·      The assessment method is Observation of Practice directly by Assessor.
·      The room setup for Knowledge Test was individual seating with no notes whatsoever on the table.

Upon completion of the assessments, feedback was given by the Assessor. This is important for them to learn, through feedback and self reflection. I used recognition and praise to highlight what they did well. Also I asked them what can be improved further in their delivery and future action plans. This is aimed to develop their abilities in the future through an open feedback session based on my observation on their practical delivery.


At the end of Day 2, every learner filled a program Evaluation Questionnaire. Analysing this after the session, I found that all of them found the session to be Very Good to Excellent. This is an indicator of the session’s successful delivery by the Trainers.

Another indicator is the Knowledge Assessment and Practical Assessment results, where all of them achieved Pass. This results meet the learner needs.

My own self reflection on how did the session go.  

Well done:
·      Able to complete all the required units within the 2 day time frame.
·      They found the techniques of grouping activities and discussion method with Questioning more is useful for them.  

Can be improved in future:
·      For class size of 20 – duration of program is extended to 3 days.
·      For Day 1 – split the class to 2 with an assigned tutor each to coach them for session planning, delivery techniques.

·      Coordination meeting with co-Assessor to agree on decision criteria and grading guidelines.

The learnings from this session which is very useful for me to conduct the next session more successfully for both the learners and myself. I thank the learners for their trust and commitment, to my fellow trainer and to PVMTC and City & Guilds for their fullest support in making this session a success.

End of Holistic Report

Word count: 2159.